2015 Internationa Surfing Day is Here!
Things to do:
Here are but a few of the better-known ISD ragers going off on June 20th. There are currently over 80 events taking place on Mainland U.S. soil alone.
-Huntington Beach, CA: An attempt to break the World Record for riding the largest surfboard, beach-wide cleanup, live music and giveaways.
-Long Beach Island, NJ: Live music and movie screenings at the original Ron Jon Surf Shop punctuating a weeklong beach sweep.
-San Diego, CA: Free outdoor movie screening of 5 Summer Stories at Veteran's Plaza in Ocean Beach; plus games, raffle prizes, pizza and popcorn. Also, “Why I love the ocean!” video contest entries shown.
-San Clemente, CA: O’Neill beach cleanup at San Clemente Pier followed by a surf session.
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- Surfing Events - Competitions