**** Local Hawaii Special. Use code: 2018 for 10% off through Feb 27th****×

The Leader In Elite SurfWear

A Hawaiian Company Spreading Aloha & Supporting Our Polynesian Culture and Ohana


We support the Susan G Koman Hawaii Foundation

Vivamus tortor nisl, lobortis in, faucibus et, tempus at, dui. Nunc risus. Proin scelerisque augue. Nam ullamcorper. Phasellus id massa. Pellentesque nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc augue. Aenean sed justo non leo vehicula laoreet. Praesent ipsum libero, auctor ac, tempus nec, tempor nec, justo.

Supporting Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation (Team in Training) at Hawaiian Events

Vivamus tortor nisl, lobortis in, faucibus et, tempus at, dui. Nunc risus. Proin scelerisque augue. Nam ullamcorper. Phasellus id massa. Pellentesque nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc augue. Aenean sed justo non leo vehicula laoreet. Praesent ipsum libero, auctor ac, tempus nec, tempor nec, justo.

Maecenas ullamcorper, odio vel tempus egestas, dui orci faucibus orci, sit amet aliquet lectus dolor et quam. Pellentesque consequat luctus purus. Nunc et risus. Etiam a nibh. Phasellus dignissim metus eget nisi. Vestibulum sapien dolor, aliquet nec, porta ac, malesuada a, libero. Praesent feugiat purus eget est. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum tincidunt sapien eu velit. Mauris purus. Maecenas eget mauris eu orci accumsan feugiat. Pellentesque eget velit. Nunc tincidunt.

Supporting Our Local Young Surfers

We are pioneering surfboards specifically designed with the fact that new materials and processes play an ever more significant role in today's shaping of surfboards. We specialize in using modern techniques in nanotechnology, biological and chemical process engineering. This highly interdisciplinary and largely international team has been developed to meet the particular challenges of this complex and cutting-edge field of research and development in high performance surboard manufacturing as outlined below: 

  • Transfer of energy from the surfer to the wave (or wave to surfer) with minimal dampening.
  • Proper flex and store/release energy repeatedly, reproducibly, with no attenuation.
  • It should flex only in the right place (torsional, longitudinal and lateral flex)
  • Light weight producing less “shift mass” underfoot, less energy needed for the board to respond
  • Waterproof and tough outer skin (ding resistant)
  • Fast on the water (low coefficient of friction)
  • Easy to paddle out, but not to ‘floaty’ to duck dive.

The unique combination of materials science engineering and the ancient art of Hawaiian surfboard shaping to produce high performance boards for your needs... is our goal.

Call: 808-209-0497 Storefront: 75-5800 Alii Dr #A1 Kailua Kona, HI 96740 USA